The Kingdom of God!


Chapter 105



Robin Bullock Prophetic Word


There are opportunities given to Biden, who is bogest! For behold, the rolling power of the waves of the future are heading your way, Biden, and you are powerless to stop them. You can't climb above them because you have no platform to climb on! For it will come over your head and flood the basement where your leader sits. For it will come and they will hold their noses above it trying not to drown.


But the Lord says, Nay! They will not survive that because the floods will come and they will roll through DC and they will roll through the highest courts and the lowest basements. For some will say, "I never did this!" or "I never did that!" Or "I never did this or I never did that!" But you will only see their dead bodies float on top of the waters as they politically die and never are heard of again!


Because you have dared to touch those that I have raised up to say the truth. I speak to you, Republicans, who dared to raise up and touch! I told you to leave Cothurn alone! I told you! I warned you that he was telling the truth! I told you and yet you touch him and you pushed him out anyway! You sowed the seed to lock your casket and now there is no way to break the lock off! Rise up now you lofty fools and come down from your lofty high place less the rain stop you!


For it is now beginning to rain and already the midst and the sprinkle is coming as the clouds are now full and moving with winds and darkness. For these are prophetic winds that are coming, and I speak of political death! I speak of political demise!


This is speaking of political demise. This is speaking of tyranny falling. It is speaking of politicians dying on the vine. Our generation is just like the generations of the Old Testaments. We don't want to listen to the prophets that the Lord has risen up for our time because we either don't understand what they are saying, or we have not learned to distinguish the truth when we hear it! Many Christians even say, "I know the Bible says that, But!


We need to learn to be like the Bereans who in Acts 17:11-12 did this,


"Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. As a result, many of them believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men."


When I was growing up, I was told to not read other books if they were not written by our brethren. I pretty much bought into that doctrine until the Lord called me to be a teacher. I then realized that I had better study to see if our doctrines were really what the Bible teaches. Out of the blue, so to speak, I started to get writings from those who had been brought up in the same denomination that I had been in and what they learned by seeking the truth on those doctrines. If you really want to know the truth, Jesus said in Matt. 7:7-8, (NIV)


"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."


It's a very good thing to read the Bible but reading the Bible is not studying it. What does what you are reading mean to your growth as a child of God? I must tell you that when you really begin to seek the Lord with all your heart, He will open doors for you that will be hard for you to pack up and leave and walk where He wants you to go.


I was sitting in a conference with my dear friend Lenny Anderson and he said something about having gone to Africa and immediately the Lord spoke to my spirit and said, "David, I want you to go to South Africa!" I said, "Sure Lord I will go just open a door for me!" I never thought much of it until about two months later I had invited a friend of mine to come and speak at our church and we took him out for dinner, and he said that Christ for The Nations was going to take a ministry team to South Africa, and he would like for me to go with them and teach on the Holy Spirit. I immediately said that I would go and ended up going three different years to South Africa.


I could have said to the Lord, "I was just kidding!" and I would have missed some of the greatest times in the ministry that He had called me to! If you really seek the Lord's will in your life, you will find yourself doing things that you said you would never do. The Lord has a book written about you and what he wants you to do while you are on this earth. That book will be opened at the judgment, and you will see how well you listened to His Spirit!


Jesus did not leave us alone to discover the truth on our own, but He sent the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. If we will listen to Him, He will guide us step by step into the deeper truths about the will of our Father.


It is so easy to be indoctrinated into believing what we are being taught and then associating only with like believers, that we become blind to the truth and even if someone tells us the truth, if it doesn't line up with what we believe the truth is, we reject it!


I learned a long time ago that when I heard something be taught that was not what I believed, rather than rejecting it to just put it on the shelf, so to speak, and if it is the truth, the Holy Spirit will reveal it to me when I am ready.


I can liken this to what has happened to our minds since the 2020 election. So many of my friends and Christians, have been so blinded to truth about what happened in that elections process by the drive by media, that you cannot reason with them. Their hearing is locked up and no matter how much truth and facts you present to them, they reject it because they have closed their minds to the truth and facts. In other words, they have made up their minds and no one can convince them otherwise!


The Prophets of our day are speaking and so many have rejected them because they either don't understand what is being said, or they just don't believe them. There are so many prophecies in the Old Testament that I don't completely understand and won't until they either come to pass or the Holy Spirit explains them to me.


Jesus said in John 14:15-18, (NIV)


"If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever;the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.


Are you ready for the truth? Lou Dobbs sums up who Donald Trump really was as president of our great nation,


Today we are looking at what has been a six year long period of political persecution of an American president. That president, a highly successful businessman and TV star, a president who had never run for a political office anywhere, who in fact didn't have a very high regard for politics at all.


Donald Trump was an outsider who tested the swamp in DC who believed he should try to make a difference because he feared for our country, and he feared for our people and he knew that he could do things that politicians couldn't. He could bring a business outlook to government. He couldn't be bought because he had plenty of money of his own. He could cut career politicians down to size so he could lead the nation back to greatness. To restore our economy and free business from oppression regulcut taxes and stop exporting jobs and factories to faraway lands.


He knew he could use tariffs to cut our trade deficits with China and other nations and insists on fair trade rather than the mindless free trade that cost America trillions of dollars. To rebuild our military and to put America first in all things, but especially, our foreign policy and to bring back our troops from all foreign deployment and demand that our allies pay their fair share on the war of terror and defending Western civilization. And to defend our own borders and to build a wall to stop illegal immigration and the smuggling of deadly drugs across the Mexican border and give America a president who keeps his promises. (End Quote)


Sidney Powell writes,


This one-hour section from the Summit of Truth is well worth your time if you care about our elections. It's called "The Trial of the Machines."


It explains what are called "Cast Vote Records" and why these records are the clearest indicators of machine-based election fraud.


Mike Lindell interviewed cyber experts Jeff O'Donnell and Walter Daugherity to discuss these records.


-You learn that a Pima County (AZ) whistleblower attended a meeting of Democrats in September 2021 where each of them was promised an extra 35,000 votes. The whistleblower sent an email explaining this cheating to the FBI.


-You learn that Utah, which does all mail-in voting, refuses to turn over any of its Cast Vote Records.


-You learn that Texas refused to turn over any of its Cast Vote Records until AG Ken Paxton forced them to do so.


-You learn that Edison Research, the company that reports the vote counts for American elections to the media, reported impossible and absurd numbers in the 2020 election!


The Cast Vote Records are the clearest indicators of whether or not there is machine-based election fraud.


On September 3, 2022, federal protections for these records under Title 52 Section 20701 comes to an end allowing the legal destruction of these records.


Don't let these records disappear from the public conscience. (End Quote)